Relationship Building 

Oooof. Relationships?  But I’m an introvert. I don’t want to deal with people. 

Sorry to tell you this, but without customer relations, there is no business. Your best friend needs to be the paying customer in front of you at this moment. Even if that customer is the biggest jerk in the world. 

So the big question is: how do you cultivate a relationship with someone you only just met?

Step 1: find out the customer’s name. Step 1 1/2: USE IT! A lot. 

Step 2: try to identify something about them to which you can relate – regardless how minute. 

When I delivered pizza for a living, dogs were always a great bonding point. I have dogs. The customer has dogs. “That barking sounds just like my house.” Tip!

Or, the customer is wearing a university T-shirt on Saturday afternoon. “How did the Vols do today?” Tip!

Step 3: work their relationships

While a Jewelry Consultant for a national chain, most of the customers were men. They are making a purchase about which they know very little for a woman (or girl) that means a lot to them. 

“How old is your daughter?”

“Don’t you just love it when she …”

“I know this is expensive. To tell you the truth, my daughter would love a diamond. I mean, what girl wouldn’t? But I know a 12-year-old won’t take care of it. Cubic Zirconia would be a much better match.”

With that last statement, Dad doesn’t feel so bad about buying the cheap one. And I didn’t accuse his daughter of being careless!

Step 4: is appropriate, follow up on the purchase. Next month, six months, a year down the road. Remind them of birthdays or anniversaries that are coming up. Be their best friend. 

This won’t work with everyone. But it will work in all places of business. Pizza, jewelry, oilfield sales… This works. It will ensure repeat business. 

Let me know what you think!

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